Friday, March 18, 2016

Years passing

Good grief. Been years since i tried to navigate this site. I am not very good at it. Retired. Busy because every one thinks I have 24/7 on my hands to fill. So not true.
         The initial loss of schedule is stunning. What day. What now. Am I supposed to be someplace doing some thing. But the wholeness of space grows on you. space and time. Richness of being able to just look, just be. I almost began to take on the tasks others thought i should. As it is, I have filled enough of the time with enough stuff. The first two weeks just seem  like a well needed vacation. It is the third and fourth that begin to vibrate with anxiety. Then the hummmm fades. Quiet is thrilling. And an introvert flourishes.
 Having a bit of fun officiating weddings. It gives me joy to bless and 
pray over folks who may not do this themselves.

At My nephew's wedding