Friday, August 31, 2007

Where'd the pictures go?

i see my pictures, even the mosaic, has gone the route of the red X...Was it the PC I used? Where'd it go? How? Why/ Come back Frame.

A Journey Just Really Started

Oh, the Places we can and will go. I am glad to have been given a step by step tool to begin exploring what is "out there'. And to have been imposed upon with an order by which to proceed. It has been a great learning experience...all the places I got to linger and explore were eye/mind opening, while those places I had to whip through, I plan to return to. Some I missed remain on my To Do list.
A journey of a thousand sites begins with one click. I plan to click away.

Audiobooks-Let's Hear it!

Listening to books when read in a dialect or native speaker's voice adds a dimension to the story. For years, as our girls were far away at military bases, we listened as we drove. It was wonderful. Grandkids expected to listen as we traveled, and to stop and comment, or ask definition. Once in a while we'd 'straighten our rooms' to a great tale...
So, now, we watch the kids grow and all of a sudden it's, "Report due tomorrow and I don't have the book..." AH, a saving grace is available...a new era. Bring them on.


Up to date news from Library Land.

Web 2.0 Awards

Confabb the Conference Community= Conferences World wide: what, where, and when- like Netspeed 2007 in Canada for librarians, Oct 17 to 19. I've always wanted to see Calgary....

Conference Tag: netspeed2007


Like this place-it has multiple uses, especially as saving documents or Zoho Shows, and can be accessed by any computer I log onto.


Goin Home

I wanna go home

Oh, how I wanna go home.

Cyber space is so scary.

Technorati is hairy.

Fifteen minutes of fame

On YouTube isn't the same.

Sandbox gave me rashes

Now my PC likes crashes.

Oh, I wanna go home.

No laptop-- all alone...

I think I'll turn off the phone.

Read a book lying prone.

Sandbox play

Raindrops on roses- for real! A few of my favorite things are rainy days....My next door neighbor has several dozen rose plants in his garden-it is a glorious place. My grand kids are way up on my list. Reading-rainy days, dry days, cold days, hot days--ah, yes. Getting a massage. Smelling the herb garden after the rain. Picking herbs. Ice cream. Walking in a woods. Singing- very loudly, once in a while off-key. Sewing, mostly quilts. Coffee or tea with friends.

Wiki wiki

Wiki savvy systems find multiple uses.
LibraryWiki is a wiki of wikis used in libraries, a place for learning about and sharing examples of library wikis. Have I over wiki-ed this post?

Library 2.0 Horizons Vast

"The ongoing Library 2.0 debate frames library renewal within the current trends transforming our information infrastructure. But those trends themselves will evolve, even mutate, under pressure from emerging change. A futures perspective asks us to reconnect this dialogue to the grand sweep of time from the treasured past to the adventure of the future—and to put people and meaning at the center of our concerns." Dr Wendy Schultz
Keeping people and meaning central to visioning and planning will make all the difference as any system grows toward the future.
"...the Library is human” because it makes the library a social and emotionally engaging center for learning and experience. Librarian 2.0, then, is the “strategy guide” for helping users find information, gather knowledge and create content."
Michael Stephens' comment again separates how a library's function will stand out as technologies develop.
As techno-digital worlds expand, and the library embraces and adopts these new worlds, there will remain the need for the personal. Last time you used a phone to call a business, did you find yourself muttering,"Just give me a real body on the other end..."

Elvis from Techno, thanks to Post-it Notes

Simply Deliciosa

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Thursday, August 16, 2007

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Rollercoasting with Rollyo 12

Library Thing week 5

Library Thing has me stymied... My widget will not "get" any of the book covers- Let's try again! Am having a grand time making my library.

TheHills are alive!

I was gifted with an iPod-- and oh what fun.
iTunes is a place to get lost in aurally...I really do hear voices!
They come from the little white wires traveling from my iPod--
most of the time!