"The ongoing Library 2.0 debate frames library renewal within the current trends transforming our information infrastructure. But those trends themselves will evolve, even mutate, under pressure from emerging change. A futures perspective asks us to reconnect this dialogue to the grand sweep of time from the treasured past to the adventure of the future—and to put people and meaning at the center of our concerns." Dr Wendy Schultz
Keeping people and meaning central to visioning and planning will make all the difference as any system grows toward the future.
"...the Library is human” because it makes the library a social and emotionally engaging center for learning and experience. Librarian 2.0, then, is the “strategy guide” for helping users find information, gather knowledge and create content."
Michael Stephens' comment again separates how a library's function will stand out as technologies develop.
As techno-digital worlds expand, and the library embraces and adopts these new worlds, there will remain the need for the personal. Last time you used a phone to call a business, did you find yourself muttering,"Just give me a real body on the other end..."